I'm Probably Over-Thinking Again But...

Why are boys so annoying?! (That wasn't a continuance of the title, that was just the most creative thing I could come up with.) Oi! So I say, "I'll let you be since you're busy," (he was at stage crew practice for the play he's a part of) but then you see them on Facebook and you're like, "You're not busy anymore...". So, I just don't know! It bugs me. Haha. And then you think about telling them you like them, but then you over-think and swear you're going to lose dignity or a friend. But really, for me I'm just losing someone to talk to. (I've found that I'm more desperate than my conscious wants to be. My heart's the polar opposite as compared to my brain. Brain = sensible... kinda... (Haha!) but my heart = hopeless, desperate dummy head. So this means I'll lose interest in them all together because I know I don't have a chance. See my point? Sad.)

Well. I felt like I've said everything on that matter. And my day wasn't too exceptional, I just spent lunch with this girl who was visiting from Florida. My day was good, but nothing special. You know? I don't know exactly how to describe it. I guess I can say I was happy all day, but nothing out of the ordinary occured.

1. Anybody else feeling a little down on their luck?
2. How was your day? Same as mine? Better or worse?
3. What is your favorite color?
November 30th, 2010 at 12:36am