More about boys <3

So you now know about my little...story recently involving guys. If not read my last journal. So I talk to a few different guys and...well flirt with them. It really sucks that right now they first guy, lets call him DB. So I actually know DB and he's the main one I have been flirting with but he really isn't talking to me much right now... I have no idea why... :( anyways i'm trying not to get attached or anything because I don't want to get hurt, again. It seriously is one one of the hardest things i've ever tried to do...not get hurt. Anyways...there is another one that, well i actually don't know him personally at all.. my friend randomly met him on a site and now we talk and just like flirt. It was really random that he started flirting with me and now its just how we talk. Even though I dont actually know him. But it's fun.. Even though I really do like DB... well i guess i'l just have to see how things work out.. hope it's not like last time...
November 30th, 2010 at 05:50am