Thank You

Okay, well, hey everyone. Wow, I wasn't expecting that kind of welcome *shocked look* and just wanted to say 'thank you! ' I know I've not anything up yet but I tend not to go straight for the rush-in-and-they're-crap kind of stories. I've got the first few chapters written out (by hand uugh!) so I will get them up soon as I have a spare moment ;). Seeing as I don't do this type of writing very often I guess I'm pretty crappy at it so maybe that's something I could improve? I guess, seeing as this is my first journal entry I should tell you all a bit about me?

So, I'm Nat (or everyone can call me that) I'm 13 (going on 14 in Dec.) and I'm tall with short, straight dark brown hair. I am short sighted but wear contact lenses most of the time. Right now I have traintrack braces with red and black 'gems' on them. They're coming off in a couple of weeks. *Jumps for Joy*

I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. The dogs are Cassie (Yorkie, 9-10 years old) and Scrabble (Shorkie [Shi-Tzu-Yorkie], 1-2 years old). The cats are Lucy and Daisy (8-9 years).

I got a mum, dad, big brother (24) and big sister (27) Love them all. My sister is a CDL (Criminal Defence Lawyer) and my brother did work in Diageos (Dee-ash-ee-ohs) but managed to get a forklift and a few barrels of liquor stuffed into him, breaking his leg. *Idiot* O,o. Yeah, so, I'm his maid. *Grrr*.

Happier stuff, My best friends are called; Ciara, Lisa, Holly, Kitt (girl, yes I know it's an odd name), Jack, James and Bryce. I dont have a boyfriend but I did recently dump one. I love all my friends and couldn't live without them.

My personnality? (I'll try not to sound too big headed) I'm chatty and always up for a laugh. I can take care of myself and my friends through words as I don't enjoy violence (although I can fight hard when I want to) I don't mind losing and I'm very Happy-Go-Lucky. I hate those idiots who think they're soo funny in class but they're just making themselves look like fools (remind me never to say 'fools' again, I feel like I'm back in the 1800s) and I also hate people who 'have' to doll themselves up every day, especially when they don't need to. I have made enemies at school both guys and girls and to be honest, when they call me names or push me around I couldn't care less because I know why they do it. But that's for another journal entry, huh?

In my spare time I enjoy reading, writing (duh), dancing (tap, modern AND freestyle) and, of course, playing my Alto Saxophone. I am going ot be sitting my Jazz Grade 3 in Feb. and either my Grade 4/5 in April. I will be sitting my Standard Grade next year. I love my Saxophone and have my own band consisting of myself (saxophone), Ciara (clarinet), Rebecca (Piano) and Ross (Drums [the guy I dumped xD]). We were meant to be playing at our school St. Andrew's day assembly but the school's shut (cos of the snow) so I'm writing this instead.

Well, I've written a hell of a lot so I guess I should end on saying Happy St. Andrew's Day, enjoy the snow (if you have any) and have a good run up to Christmas ;)
November 30th, 2010 at 12:04pm