stories of a teenage lunatic

hey, my name's Lucinda
errm, im sort of new here so im not entirely sure how this whole journal thing works, but here we go:
so i thought i would share with you guys a story from my weekend, that was painful at the time, but looking back now, pretty funny.

I was with a couple of friends, who i will call Lena, Jace and Ron, and we were pretty bored, so we decided to go down to the netball courts near my house (and for all you people who don't know what netball is, its an australian sport that's like basketball only you cant run with the ball or bounce it. Its pretty much the most boring sport next to curling).

We were walking around these massive empty courts when we found a shopping trolly, just lying off to the side. So, naturally, being the stupid teenagers we are, we decided to have some fun with it. Everything was awesome, until they put ME in the cart. It was really fun, I wont denny it, until the cement courts turned into grass suddenly the trolly turned and landed on my knee.

I was in pain, im not going to denny that either, it hurt like a bitch! but being the brave girl I am, I tried not to cry out, which ended in me making a noise like: ARRRRGGGG MAAARRRRGGG!!

so now i have this big, rancid bruse on my knee as a reminder of the lesson I learnt: when you see your trolly going from cement to grass, bail out before it hits.

i hope you remember this lesson one day, it may just come in handy

so what I want to know is, what is the stupidest thing you've done (that you can remember) this year?
(no judgements or laughing, I promise)

November 30th, 2010 at 12:37pm