wake up, brush hair, pull on pants, meet korn.

So you know I figured I'd get of my lazy ass and head down to the shopping center an bug my best friend who works in this little cheap $2 full of knick knack stuff. Her managers pre rad and let's me hang around and I have my own little seat and everything, but that's not my story.

She was working the registers and I was just sitting thee ranting about how it is total shit that the Gun N Roses gig was on and it was a 18+ and I didn't get to go, you know. Not five minutes later these dudes all walk in with long dread hair and stuff, I paid no real attention to them really and then this other chick that works there started freaking out like a weirdo screaming about corn or something.

I was just like "Dude, what the fuck are screaming about, calm the fuck down!" Her eye's got real big and she started spluttering and someone tapped me on the shoulder.

So I turned around and was all like "Yo, what the hell you don't go round tapping people shoulders and shit" and I swear I swallowed my tongue, Munky was standing right there asking about how much some little book thing was.

It was the big shock I have ever had, I mean I knew that they were supporting Gunners and stuff but I hardly expected them to be walking around this city, which hardly get's any good bands at all, let alone in this little $2 shop.

None the less the band signed my brand new white jeans and I got high fives, it was the best day ever. It just goes to show how unexpected life is; I certainly didn't know I was going to wake up this morning and meet Korn.

My question to you guys though is, have you ever meet anyone famous in a completely unexpected place?
If so, who and where?
December 1st, 2010 at 02:57am