The Connection Between My Character and Myself

I've noticed that a lot of my characters are at least loosely based on me. Even the comical ones that are larger than life.

For example, I have an extreme Twi-Hard whose obsessed with Edward Cullen/ Robert Pattenson. Though I am no longer a Twi-Hard, and was never obsessed with Rob, I did go through the Twilight phase.

And another character is obsessed with anime and manga. Though I do enjoy, the occasional manga and anime, I wouldn't call myself obsessed.

I think what I tend to do is take a small part of myself, and exaggerate it a lot, and make that the foundation of ideas for the character.

It's strange though, I do this mostly with round side characters.

Does anyone else tend to do this?

Or does anyone have a character that is different than them?

I have one character in a story and I honestly think if we met in life she would find my somewhat annoying. Is that weird?
December 1st, 2010 at 03:42am