Hello, Friends. Updates on Sample Disc?

So, this is in regards to Sample Disc.

I've been having quite a bit of difficulty finishing that bad boy up. It's not like I don't have time, or I just don't want to, but I've been experiencing some writers block lately.

So, I haven't given up hope on finishing it. In fact, I've just written out a list of songs that I'll be using in the final few chapters, which, hopefully, will be written within the next two to three months.

So, If you're wondering where the updates have been, that's pretty much it. ahaha.

If you're interested in reading anything else I've written lately, I update the Deviantart frequently, and I don't set anything to "adult content warning" so everything is open to the public. (except for one piece I'd written a few years back. I think I may have clicked "adult content warning" on accident and have never gotten around to changing it, so that one is for members of DA only. But it's nothing well written or worth reading, so that's fine.)

So, my deviantart, as I always say, is http://www.ohfaith-justfiction.deviantart.com

And, if you're interested in hearing (reading) more about my life (which I highly doubt.), my deviantart journal is updated almost weekly, and that may give you a bit more insight as to why I am not updating at any particular time.

I hope to hear from all of you soon, and I always appreciate feedback on everything, even if it's been up forever, and blah blah blah, and I love you (:

December 1st, 2010 at 06:35am