I'm Remembering & I'm Smiling.

I'm reading my old forum posts & I'm remembering. I'm remembering all the conversations we had before we were even together & the adorable poem video she sent me & I'm remembering. & if remembering will help me move on or not, I don't know. One day I'm going to print all of these posts out because you know what, I want to remember. I want to remember what a big impact on my life she's made if only for a short amount of time & I want to remember how much hope I had because hope is honestly all I can have at the moment. I'm remembering & I'm smiling & I'm laughing & I'm getting teary eyed because to know that none of these things are going to be future memories, that they are all in the past, never again will they happen with this amazing girl that has meant so much to me if only for a short amount of time hurts, but I'll get over it. But right now, at this point in time, I'm remembering & I'm smiling. & I think I might be moving on. But that's just now. That may change tomorrow.


Okay, so today was admittedly a bad idea. The amazing girl that I was talking about up there ^ was this amazingly angry girl who hits really f*cking hard & claws even harder. & it was my fault, I admit, but she didn't have to do it so many times. She was chasing me around clawing me because I bit her & apparently got spit on her brand new jacket. ::roll: I now have bruises. ::grr: I am not happy with her at the moment, not at all. & tomorrow she shall be yelled at. Because my arm hurts & it's blue & I still have claw marks. -_-" /shakeshead

Ugh yeah, so I'm going to post this now...
December 2nd, 2010 at 05:31am