Am I Strong?

My life has been difficult all my life. i don't know why this website was created, or if this is the right way to use it, but here goes.

My mom has been a drunk and junkie and so has my dad since before i was born.
my mom couldn't take care of me when i was born, so i lived with my aunt and uncle for half a year, then i moved to Aurora, Co and lived there for 7 years. While i was there, the nice neighborhood that we lived in had dark secrets. my mom's friend was a junkie and so was her husband, but they were good people. there were more good times than the bad is what i've always hoped, but it's hard to tell with everything. Then the trouble began. the next door neighbors son who was only 2 years older than me would play nasty truth or dare games with the people in the neighborhood, including me. but would you blame me for the things i did there when i was only 5-7, still such a little kid? I don't. Then there was the murder. the time i lived there seemed like a century ago, but the blood is still there in my mind. then my mom remarried my dad, and he brought his junkie friend with him and bad things happened. then my mom was harassed in denver by gangs while at work and it got too dangerous, so we moved.

In the smaller town near farmington, when i had barely started 3rd grade, the mom of a friend kidnapped me and tried to sell both me and her daughter for drugs, but we were saved and we spent the night in an orphanage. then time passed with my parents fighting, drinking, smoking, and using drugs, and i tried the best i could to protect my younger sister Rachel from what was happening. i had to grow up faster than i would have liked just to take care of my parents while studying for the private school i was enrolled in and the tough classes. the drinking got worse as time went on and the fighting got worse, violence subjected toward me or my sister sometimes.

I would come home and expect everything to be the way it was before the fighting started, to be fine, but it never was. i still loved my parents, because when they weren't drunk, they were there. they loved us and took care of us instead of the other way around. but last year they went to far. my dad got drunk into a stupor while i wasn't there to stop him and he tried to kill my mom. just 5 days i'm gone, and this is what happens? enough. Right now my dad is still in jail while my mom is in rehab to get off the alcohol. she stopped drugs a long time ago. they are getting divorced and my sister and i are in fostercare until the end of the school year, and my dad gets out in march. i've been 16 since january and i didn't even get the chance to spend it with my mom. 16 the golden year? not for me. I blame my dad for everything that happened, because a lot of it is his fault.

and now i'll ask you. with everything that has happened, i haven't tried suicide (though i have thought about it), used drugs or alcohol, and i'm not depressed. i have almost all straight a's in school and i'm in many extracurricular activities.

Do you think i'm strong?
December 2nd, 2010 at 08:26am