The Community, Blockage of Some Sort.

Yes, you heard that right. Writing the first chapter of A Story Within A Story right now is like waiting for my brother to get out of the shower. It's taking forever. D:

I swear, I'm going to be all up in my muse's face. And it'll probably look like this.


I have a feeling it's because I participated in NaNoWriMo this passed November ... But that still does not give my muse an excuse! Hmph. I mean, really now.

Ah, on a more chipper mood, The Vampire Diaries, The Community, and Nikita come back tonight. I don't really watch Nikita anymore, but it's being recorded right after TVD, and I'm too lazy to stop recording it.

But, I love The Community, so it's all good. It's on when TVD is on, but that's what DVRs are for, am I right? Yes, I thought so. Only an hour and a half.


Gifs, how I love you dearly. You kinda make my day.
- Tasha
December 3rd, 2010 at 12:33am