
So... I've stopped writing all of my stories- well, on here at least. I have scribbled some ideas as they've come to me. Right now Secrets will stay the way it is until my writer's block has passed for it. I've got the final chapter for my Gustav story planned, but I have to get the other chapters written. I have a basic outline for it now at least and I'll probably go through the existing chapters again and rework them to work into the new plot. Sorry I keep changing that one on you, but as my writing style matures, so do my plotlines. The 3 Monkeys is still on hiatus. I can't seem to get any plans to go with that one. I might delete it and redo it the way I originally wanted to. It's still the same basic set up with a little twist. I actually have the first few chapters of a new story written on word. I'm still debating with myself whether I should make it fan fiction or original fiction. I might make it original because those are the ones that are easiest for me to finish. I don't plan to submit any more chapters until the story is completely finished because then I just leave you hanging when I run out of steam. I have finals next week, so it may be a couple of weeks before I finish any of my stories. I think you will like the end of Gustav's. It's pretty fluffy. At the moment that is all I have for you.
December 3rd, 2010 at 04:52am