
Have you ever been in a situation where your best friend's boyfriend secretly likes you, but you already have a boyfriend who you find out used to date your best friend and still has feelings for her, but she likes her boyfriend and i like mine. (so i won't be giving him up to her!) i won't be using real names in here.

anyway, i'm at school and Jessy(Guy who likes me), Sarah(Jessy's girlfriend), Mark(my boyfriend who likes Sarah), and myself are all walking down the hall together to get books from our lockers for class and i tell sarah and mark to go on ahead when we get near my locker near the girls bathroom cause i have to ask Jessy something. Jessy, who has been a good friend of mine and who i didn't know that he liked me, or Mark liking Sarah, so i was fine near him. until he took the chance of us being alone and he kissed me. REALLY?! ARE YOU THIS STUPID!? is wat i'm thinking and guess what happens next? it's not Sarah who turns the corner, but her older brother! he knows how much she likes jessy and has always been overprotective of her for a long time, so hasn't liked Jessy. EVER. So seeing him kissing me was the perfect opportunity to take his hatred out on him.

I'm standing their watching them face off to each other, stunned, when suddenly Sarah's older brother Charle takes the charge and punches him in the NUTS! not the face, the nuts! well, then all hell broke lose as they got at each others throats and i'm stuck between them thinking 'where the hell are the goddamn teachers?!' and staring in horror as Jessy gets thrown on the floor right next to the stairs and twists his arm awkwardly beneath him. finally the teachers show up and break the fight, charle with a bruised eye and split lip, Jessy a bloody nose, bruised cheek, and some very bruised balls. Luckily his arm was fine.

Guess wat happens after that?

Jessy, while being pulled away from the teachers, suddenly yells out, "I love you Emily!" and Sarah is right there next to him, hearing what he said, and she looks at me accusingly, then runs off crying. I look at Mark and HE is looking at me with disdain and loathing, like Jessy's confession was MY fault. so he heads in the opposite direction when i come toward him and i'm feeling very lost and depressed. I feel angry at Jessy and so when i go to confront him,(about what he was trying to do and what he meant by kissing and professing his love to me) near the nurses office which also happens to have the same hallway as the boys locker room, when Mark comes out the doorway with a friend of his named Sean. I decide to hide behind a trash can since i felt so mortified about what had happened, and this is what i hear...
"...ak up with her." (M)
"are you sure? don't you like her?" (S)
"no. i like her best friend. still have feelings for her ever since we broke up 2 years ago." (M)
"Dude! you were just using her then? thats awful!"(S)
"i know, but i can't let my feelings for Sarah go. besides, Jessy professed his love to her, so she must have been feeling the same way about the realtionship we had, except she just got more ACTION than i did. HA! she can go crawl into his arms now for all i care." (M)

I stopped listening after that. my face felt hot with shame with what he had said about me and what he must think of me by the way he put emphasis on the word 'action'. Great, just great! My best friend thinks i stole her boyfriend, her boyfriend likes me and thinks i like him, my boyfriend thinks the same way, but he also likes my best friend Sarah. 'HOW THE HELL DID IT END UP LIKE THIS?!' i'm thinking as the tears course down my cheeks while i'm still hiding behind the trash can.

What will happen next i wonder?
December 3rd, 2010 at 05:10am