I'm excited. So excited! Guess why I'm excited!

Evening my wonderfully talented writers!

I am in such a good mood it is unreal. But why?

Because I'm going to see Nevershoutnever & the Maine in march and it's even better because he is in england. yes. England. So can you see now? I am super duper excited and just want to jump around with joy and scream. But it's only march so I can't really be that excited can I?

Well yes I can. But not on mibba, people wouldn't like my terrible captilisation ;) But I shall be telling all my friends.

So today wasn't too wonderful to begin with, it was -11 and the snow had turned to ice. I had a lift to school but the day got worse. One of my close friends has moved schools and today was his last day. Everyone was crying, girls and boys. I never managed to say a proper good-bye because I was jammed in a seat. Now I regret that. Badly.

Now mibba, tell me this :

1. Are you going to any concerts soon?
2. Have you been to a concert, which was best?
3. Iced tea = Win or fail?
4. What do you do when you're excited?

Night night, sweet dreams... when you do sleep if its to early now ;D <3
December 3rd, 2010 at 11:15pm