It Didn't Work Out

Sooo. I was originally supposed to hang out with my friend today. That didn't work, so I was going to hang out with my brother (Ian) and his girlfriend(Cullan), and go to our school's coffee house. But that didn't work out either, so we (brother, girlfriend, and I) just went to Giant. They wanted to buy condoms because Ian's friend, Anna was working there tonight. But since they had to ask the pharmacist, it didn't work out, either. And they wouldn't let my look at hair care products and be girly, so they said they would take me to Peebles for the fun of it. Hey guess what. THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT EITHER. Haha. My life does not compute! Whatever, I'm just doomed to have a boring weekend, which is bumming me out. You see, I'm going to college that's far away (soo, I have to wake up early. It basically screws up my day as is. The best part about weekends is that you get to sleep in.) and we'll be doing THAT all day. On our way home, we're swinging over to where my oldest brother (Brody) goes to college and have dinner with him somewhere. :P On sunday, I'm supposed to go to Confirmation practice. So, basically that spells 'no friends for you.'

Well sorry if that sounded, like, exceptionally emo-tastic, or whiny. Because, apparently, I have a whiny voice. Thanks, Melli. Love you too. Oh and another friend, too, has complained about my voice (not to my face though...). It makes me feel so good!!! :D

Haha wooo! Bring on the boredommmm!

1. What are your weekend plans / non-plans?
2. Are your friends mean to you, too?
3. Is your family as crazy as mine? (This question doesn't make sense unless you read my brain and memories. Though, the condom-thing is a sneak-peek, I guess.)

(That was slightly out of order... Haha.)
December 4th, 2010 at 01:11am