GEH!! Annoying

so.....apparently my last journal wasn't that interesting, but, hey, it was the best i could think up on a moments notice.

So.....anyway, i went back to school today to confront Mark and this is what he said:
"Sorry, Emily, but i won't listen to your lies and excuses. we are done."
and i said:
"you're only saying that because you like Sarah, u imbecile!"
"no, i don't, and whoever said that is lying on his ass."
I'm thinking, 'UR the one who said it!' but say, "even if it isn't true, you're my boyfriend! you should be trusting me and having my back on this, but you're just backing away like a mouse caught in a cats paws."
"psh! and what would that make you, you liar? Where is your part in this?"
the acussation stung but i replied with defiance, "The cat." and looked at him steadily, gauging his reaction to my poker face. He looked away and i saw that he realized that i realized that the rumor about him liking Sarah was true and i said, "i heard you talking to Sean. if you like Sarah, you should have told me and i would have broken up with you without this entire mess happening. Well, u got ur wish, because yes, we are DONE." i said the last with emphasis and said one last thing before i turned away which was, "also, your acccent is annoying." (He had a southern accent, which i didn't mind, but i needed to insult him someway, even if it wasn't the best thing to say.) i walked away after that thinking, 'i hope you're happy u bastard...because i'm not.'

so, yeah, that was my first confrontation out of the three i need to talk to, and i'll add on more later.
December 4th, 2010 at 04:39am