had a GREAT time last night !

okay so last night i went to the movies with my boyfriend and my friend from p.e. class. it was amazingg ! the movie we saw was harry potter and the deathly hallows even though we've never watched any of the other harry potter movies before. so it was gay. it was freakin boring and it lasted like 3 hours ! so we just sat there and threw popcorn at each other and we purposely spilled soda all over the floor so who ever walked past us would slip. and it almost worked because this younger couple walked right by us and she almost did slip but then she looked at us like we were insane or somethin. which of course we were. but i had a REALLY great time last night. and that's kinda hard to say knowing i was sitting in a theater with harry potter going. but as i said we didn't even watch the movie so yeah. aha(:

oh and please don't comment if you have nothing good to say. thanks.
December 4th, 2010 at 02:40pm