Food, Friends, and Texas Hold 'Em

Trust me, it is awonderful mix!

I didn't originally want to go out to dinner with people I didn't know, after a day thats started at 5:15am. But here and now, 10:40pm, I'm exceptionally glad I did. Dinner was mainly pretty boring, but my friend (Melissa)'s friend (Sierra) was really nice and funny. So dinner was good, even though it was Mexican and I'm not really a fan. :/ But desert was awesome! I'd never hard fried ice cream before, and it'd rocked!

Anyway, we went back to Sierra's house (which was seriously the most gorgeous house I have ever, ever seen in my entire life) to play Texas Hold 'Em. It was my first time playing and I won a single set out of, most likely, forty+. It still rocked! I'm excited for the next time I get to play, and Melissa and I have decided that we are going to do something over break, and play poker. I can't wait.

So, anyway I said I woke at 5:15 this morning. This is because my mom has this thing where we try to go to as many colleges possible for my brother (and she did this with my other, older brother as well) and everyone is dragged along, and everyone except her doesn't want to be doing it. And with Ian being obnoxious, it sucks even worse. So we went to this lame*ss school that no one really liked. My mom has a thing with not living, too. It sucked. I was hungry. I was tired. My brother was p*ssing me off. All in all, not a good mix. So I'm glad that I went to dinner. Highlight of my weekend! Especially since tomorrow I have confirmation class. At least the catechists are cool and my class (except for these two girls that just bug me with their incessant giggling and obvious lack of intelligence) isn't too bad. Plus! I get to text, and she doesn't give a flying fadoodle. And while everyone else in other rooms are doing work, we're just discussing stuff and the catechists being like, "OK, it's obvious none of us want to do this, so let's just not." Really, re-evaluating, it's only the beginnings and ends that I hate, because that's when everyone from all the different classes comes together and are boring and prayerful.

1. So what happened exciting for you today?
2. Every played poker? Love / hate it?
3. Do you think it's funny, too, that my most religious friend and her family play poker?
December 5th, 2010 at 04:58am