Sunday, December 5, 2010


My first day on mibba!!

Started my first story on here, and got two chapters completed!! Whoo!!


I'll update MAYBE tomorrow, IF I get the time and IF I have a sudden rush of inspiration. Which I normally do. NORMALLY. I can't guarantee that I will.


Rosalia is the type of girl that I am. I kinda based her on ME. Except I'm not fourteen yet. Should I make her thirteen?? Good idea, eh?? I'll think it over. Maybe you should, too, and tell me if Rosalia should be thirteen or fourteen. I might make her stay fourteen.

Oskan, now. Hm... well, Oskan ain't based on no-one in particular. I created him from a mixture of different characteristics from different people. He's the type of person that I woulda want as a best friend. What about you?? What do YOU think of Oskan??

Well, folks, that's all for now!! Mama's after me to get to bed... it's 9:11 pm now!!
December 5th, 2010 at 12:12pm