Awkward Day

OOOOOOOKKKKKK the most awkward thing happened today!

Take note of the fact that today i will not bother putting this into paragraphs...

So, I'm in year 7, am I'm basking with two other friends. So I'm showing my friend what a Bb chord is then a random emo looking 17 year old came up to me and sat down. Sat down like they do in runescape. So I'm like, 'um', then i play a love song, considering the fact that the only songs i know how to play on the guitar are love songs apart from the llama song and songs by Spongebob Squarepants. Anyways so i finish and it's all awkward and he stands up and tips me $5 which is a lot considering the fact that people only tip me like $1 while passing by. So then he leaves and by automatic reaction i started to say to my friends 'WOW THAT WASN'T AWKWARD!!!!' and my friend went on for a good 10 minutes about how he wanted his hair. I have no clue whether or not he heard me but later i went into a shop and guess who was at the counter. I bought a mars bar and he was all emo saying $2.20 and i thought he said $1.20 so i gave him $2. Then he's like 'uuuh, it was $2.TWENTY' and I'm like, 'k', and i struggle to get the 20cents out of my pocket for a while and he's like' you know what, NEVER MIND' and I'm like' are you sure????' and i said that for a while 'till a force pulled me out of the shop. THEN AFTER THAT I FELT SO BAD FOR NOT PAYING THE 20 CENTS SO HAVE TO HELP ME GET THIS OFF OF MY MIND!!!!!

So all I'm asking for, is for you guys to tell me the most awkward thing that has happened to you, i don't know why, but i think it fits the theme of this journal.

So 'till then, peace out!
December 5th, 2010 at 12:42pm