the final tattoo design decision.

"One hundred thousand wings soaring through the sky's at intense speed's we can't catch with our eye's"

I've been trawling around with idea's on how I could get these lyrics tattooed with out drawing the attention away from the lyrics. I'd considered multiple idea's such as a banner with rose's, just a paragraph with the lyrics and even just having the words tattooed across my upper back.

None of these idea's seemed to stick and convey the idea of the lyrics. I didn't want a huge piece with so many different elements that you couldn't figure out what the initial concept of the tattoo was. I don't really see the use of having a tattoo with no particular meaning or purpose; it's just seems really stupid.

The design had to be able to fit in with another piece if I so wanted to get another tattoo, without looking like it's part of another. I really enjoyed the idea of life being somewhat related to a fairy tale and where do fairy tales usually come from? books.

I combined my creative juices with the idea of a story book, lyrics and whatever else came to me at 1:30 am. The lyrics themselves are from 'There's No Sympathy For The Dead' by the genius Escape the Fate. It wasn't a sudden decision, those lyric's have been something I've remembered over the past five years and for some stupid reason have meant something, strange right?

But I'm straying from my point.

I came up with a simple design that had much more meaning then it seemed, I really like it's simplicity and basics. But anyhow I just wanted to share my brilliant idea's with you Mibbians, but now I'm over tired and I need sleep.


PS. Excuse my crude drawing, it's only a rough draft.
December 5th, 2010 at 01:40pm