broken heaters and war movies

hello mibba hooligans. it's me again. yeah that guy. this is my second journal entry and i'm feeling the pressure! the pressure to meet the expectations of my readers with the sequel to my first entry. i mean think about it. sequels are supposed to be better than the original.. Take for example Boondock saints, great cult classic but the sequel was even better. wait no it wasn't it was garbage. ok better example, spiderman. nope horrible sequel too. ok i'm makin an idiiot of myself trying to think of good sequels. ooh ooh 28 days later, the sequel (28 weeks later) EVEN BETTER than the first one. THERE, i want this entry to be a sequel to a zombie flick. yeah doesn't make sense to me either. anywaaaaaay, i've been shooting the shit for far too long with nobody to stop me from rambling so let's get into this thing shall we?

Starkville, the city i'm currently in has turned into a ghost town, which i can't complain about because it means less traffic and fewer frat/sorority morons running around.. speak of the devil i was just talking about zombies XD so yeah a trip to the local pub is no longer a storming of the beaches at normandy if ya catch my drift. but then again that's turned finding girls at bars into a task tougher than finding a clean mirror in lindsey lohan's apartment. drug humor for those of you who didn't catch that. try to stay with me here, you in the back catch up now let's move along class.. the heater in my apartment, which i'm pretty sure was made before the first world war, went out last night. surprise surprise, and my hippie landlord is out of town listening to his daughters band play. since when is the off key moo-ing of a daughter more important than the comfort of a high paying tenant? since now apparently..

I have a birthday next saturday, and have yet to figure out what the hell i'm going to do to celebrate. I'm sure beer will be involved, that's the what, but the questions of who, when, and where still remain. I keep taking my eyes off the screen as i type to watch "saving private ryan" gotta love a good gory war movie. well i guess that's my sign to put down the laptop. thanks again for reading and God help any of you who had the time to sit and read this entry in its entirity XD later kids
December 6th, 2010 at 04:44am