Need Advice?

Dear Mibba:

So you need advice? You've come to the right place.

Send me a message telling me your problem and I'll try my best to respond with a solution. I'll keep everything anonymous and if you want, I'll never contact you again after you get your advice. There will be absolutely no judgment.

Would it be okay to publish it? I'll probably will make a advice column (an article) and everything would remain anonymous, your username wouldn't be given out. This way if other people are having the same problem as you they'll get advice to. I would ask you in my reply of course.

The solutions I message out are sent on Friday (maybe Saturday) and that is the same time that article would be made. Everything is weekly. You can message me throughout the week though.

Or do you just want someone to talk to? If you feel lonely or are bored at anytime, just message me and if I'm online I'll message you back.

So, need any advice?

December 6th, 2010 at 05:19am