i'm ***ing sick of her and her ***ing lies!!

my "friend" is the biggest fucking liar on the face of the planet.

tonight she signs on MSN and tells me that she's moving to seattle. we have an inside joke with seattle and i figured she was lying about that. so she makes up this whole elaborate lie about her dad's job moving *her dad's job is a local business* and how she's leaving at the end of march and her mom and her stepdad were breaking up, so she wasn't gonna live with them. honestly, i didn't believe it the whole time. she fucking lies about EVERYTHING in her fucking life. one day i was joking around and said "your dog! oh burn!" then she goes "my dog's dead." and then i said "no he isn't" and she goes "umm why would i lie about it?" and i said "i don't know, you lie about everything else." so she went into a story about how her dog was older than they thought and they buried him in the yard and all this other shit. and this girl overheard and goes "oh my goodness i'm so sorry!" and she was seriously concerned. then later on at lunch, she goes "yeah i was lying about my dog." and i said "well duh you know i knew that. you know beth believed you?"
she said "yeah i know. i feel bad, but oh well."

i'm seriously fucking sick of her shit. it's one thing to lie about something small and insignificant, but to lie about something like that is just really sick. it's not like i believed it and i wouldn't have been mad at her if i had, i would still be mad because it's pathetic and sick and twisted. she even called her mom unstable. i've seriously had it. i don't know f i can forgive her for this. i know it's the christian thing to do or whatever, but this just went overboard...
February 22nd, 2007 at 03:04am