hate me, break me

for some reason with you people i could work myself till im about to collapse and it will never be good enough. ive let you all trample me atleast once to turn the sweeter cheek. i'm sick. i'm sick of feeling that i'm worth nothing to all of you. i WILL NOT let anyone tell me things that hurt me anymore. i dont care what you say anymore, so go away. we all know i'm short and my voice is squeeky,okay? ive been told it for over half my life, you dont have to constantly remind me. i'm trying to get over this hill and no ones helping. i'm about ready to give up, running off fumes, ready to crash and burn. i'm no good to you all so why don't you all just leave me and alone, just let me be. i feel ugly and worthless. i'm ashamed to even look in my mothers eye. what happened to the girl i used to be? i need help. i need hope to get me through. i'm trying, i'm really trying
December 6th, 2010 at 04:35pm