Persistent kid....

So...i went back to school today and tried to talk to Sarah, but instead ran into Jessie....creepy kid.

so, i told him he needed to be sarahs boyfriend more than me and that he needed to get over me and stick with what he has cause he won't find anyone better. So, i left it at that, but he kept following me everywhere...even when i told him to go away, he would stand there and smile at me stupidly...

I saw in a movie once how this one person was really annoyed with this other person who was persistently liking them and they asked them to do a favor for them and in the small amount of time that person was gone, they went and hid somewhere. so thats what i did. i had a paper i needed dropped off in my english class and so i gave it to him and when he turned around and scuttled away, i quickly went downstairs and into a janitors closet until the bell rang for the next class. surprise, surprise, he was next to the door of my math class, watching for me through the hallways. that was the only entrance, unless you counted the window and since we were on the 2nd floor, no thank you...

so, after that class, he went and followed me even more persistently than last time. i practically had to drag him out of the girls bathroom he was so do i deal with this kid? i even tried insulting him and that didn't work either. nor does being nice because apparently he thinks that if i'm nice to him, it shows i accept him as my boyfriend, when really i was trying to get away from him....what do i do? what would you do? i was sooooooooooo glad when school ended and he had to leave on his bus. i get to walk home so i was able to get away from him as soon as possible......anyone want a boy toy that will do anything for you, please, leave a comment about how to get rid of him and i'll let you have him! for free!........................well, not really..............................unless you really do want him........................O.O >.>

Also, i don't feel scared by him or freaked out, just annoyed....remember, he's been my friend for an overly long time, so no advice about calling the police or asking teachers.....that would be even more annoying.....
December 7th, 2010 at 04:59am