Sorta kinda ranting so you don't have to read

If your friends are real friends, they'll like you for who you are right?? I'm not exactly getting that vibe from my friend whom I call a 'best friend'. I mostly think it's because of having different religious views and that she hates almost everything I love except for horses and a few other things. I'm not even sure why we're still best friends anymore...she makes me feel like shit about myself for liking what and/or who I like. Just because I don't believe in God, please don't throw your religious opinions on me, it's only my opinion, she treats me like I'm going to "hell" and rubs it in my face that my parents drink and smoke, I can't help that. I've tried to get them to stop, believe me I have. I had to go to church with her this morning, didn't pay much attention to the sermon or anything, mostly off in my own world. It was all about Fathers having to be the head of the family or something and about drugs/drinking and as soon as we were outside the first words out of her mouth were "did you pay attention to that sermon?" "nope" "why not? it was something you could have used. and you're family." that last sentance was what pissed me off the most though, her parents drink, her dad smokes, I don't rub it in her face. I don't really give a shit what her parents do, they're not mine so I don't have to worry about it. Why should I have to go through her beating it into my head that my parents drink and smoke?
Then we get home and we're getting ready to clean the barn, fun I know!<sarcasm>, and we had to get all 4 horses out. Alright, easy? No, Nifty, the bitchy mare who's always in heat and whatnot, corners herself away in the stall, my mare, who is stubborn and hates to be caught, walks in behind her. Not a smart thing to do, Nifty hates Sierra(my horse) and so my friend, being the brat she was today, walks around, kicks the crap out of my horse and finally scares her out of the barn before leading Nifty right out.........Okay?? Why did you beat my horse for no reason except for staying away from the one person she is terrified of when I was right there and could have been run over...?? Alright anyway, after cleaning the barn I decided to work with Sierra on groundwork, something we need a tad bit of practice on before the next rideout, and the whip touched her leg. Sierra freaked because of the friends little beating session and jumped in the air, way above my head, her legs all over the place. Her back leg catches me on the leg so now it's almost impossible to sit down without a LOT of pain. Is it fair to blame that on the friend? Before she kicked her, Sierra was fine with me picking up her feet, cleaning them out, touching the whip everywhere on her, ten minutes after she kicked her, she freaks and kicks me. Well, I confronted the friend about kicking her and what she did to me, and she says "did you whip her more?" "no, it wasn't her fault" "yes it was, now that you didn't she's going to think that she can kick you so she can get away" alright, I get where she's coming from, but I would have punished Sierra if it was really her fault, but it wasn't, so I didn't blame her. So then the friend decides to go out and punish Sierra herself by lunging her and whipping the crap out of her. Alrighty then, my horse tears the lead rope out of her hand and takes off, which I probably would have done too, and runs down into the humongo pasture with a lead rope that she could easily trip on and break her neck. The friend comes back in the barn, throws down the whip, "you're horse is so stupid and dumb!! I hate mares, why did you have to get a mare?" so! she's blaming this on me now!! Great, just what I need to make my day even better!!! So I walk out, attempt to catch her, but Sierra's so wound up now that she won't let anyone near her and puts herself between the 2 horses that will let her. One of which is another colt, younger than her and a stallion that kicks.. a lot. He's so bad that my friend and her sister are afraid to brush around his back legs. This is the first time Sierra has ever kicked someone...scratch that, second. She kicked the friend when she was sitting in a wheelbarrow and the friend lifted her foot to scare her so Sierra acted on instinct...Anyway!
I thought true friends were supposed to accept you for who you are and stand up for you and trust you and all those good things!? But not down here I guess.......
Alright, rant over!!
June 18th, 2007 at 10:01am