Parking Mania and Unrealistic Worst-Case Scenarios!!!

Yesterday was the funniest school day I've had in a while. And the fact that it's only because of two events is kind of sad, but for both I have been laughing since. (Figuratively.)

The first thing was because of the BEST GAME EVAR! I was playing it in Microsoft Office because I was done the assignment and had basically a free period. So I was playing that, and my friend (Aaron) who sits next to me was doing science homework. He asked me something along the lines of "What did you write for the Cambrian oceans?". As I was playing (mind you, the second level) I said "One sec. Lemme just park this car." And in a serious attempt to park the car, it went into a couple loop-de-loops and crashed into a wall practically head on. It was hilarious. But I've gotten better, so you don't have to worry about me being on the roads in a year and a half. :)

Two periods later in Health class, our teacher gave us a worst-case scenario paper (I still don't know what it had to do with what we were learning about) and told us to order the "15 intact items". Some were really ridiculous. And then either me or my friend (Lydia) thought up a past assignment like this from 6th grade, and were generally laughing about how it had be much more ridiculous than this one. "And your van is in a ditch, and you are in the middle of nowhere in Australia, with hyenas surrounding you, and... etc. etc." Then I say "And the only person that knows everything is dead!!" Me and Lydia burst out laughing. Let's just say the two things made my Facebook status. Haha!

1. Any recent moments of hilarity with your friends in school?
2. Are you obsessed with talking about yourself like I am?
3. How'd you like Parking Mania? (Do you really blame me for failing at level two? I mean, c'mon!)
December 8th, 2010 at 09:26pm