Awaiting my impending probation hearing...

So, today, I was caught with 5.6 grams of marijuana in my bag. In school. Fantastic, eh? I was called into the office, searched, and reported. No school until next Wednesday, and I got ticketed, and charged with possession of a controlled substance, and paraphernalia, along with theft of a metal tube... Then, my dad came and picked me up from the school... He is too disgusted to talk to me... Oh shit. But, I know I messed up. Badly. And, if I hadn't gone into the bathroom, and smoked it during study hall, I would never have gotten caught. Can anyone say dumbass? I am stupid, I know...

Anywho, how is your day? Any bad stories?

Have any of you ever had drug related charges?
December 9th, 2010 at 02:52am