Let's Talk About Religion

Haha, no. Let's not.

Just this: you gotta do what you gotta do. If you believe am Monkey from outer space controls our thoughts then, well, that's very nice. Good for you. I won't thump you on the head with my Bible. Nor would I if you didn't believe in anything.


You know what's awesome? Not going to school. Want to know the reason? Today, (Wednesday, December 8, 2010,) was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Whoopee. I spent the day mostly sleeping, ('till around 11, I guess,) searching for food/ settling on chips and dip, talking to my dogs because no one else was home, and finally putting flyers in mailboxes in the freezing cold of night with my Girl Scout Troop. Hey. It's a day off. Let me enjoy it the way I want.

In other news...

Airline food. What's up with that?

duh-duh-tsss - That was my lame attempt at making that punch line sound on the imaginary drum. Yup.

Random Rambling Alert.

Anyone know a good book to recommend for me? I'll list a few that I've really enjoyed:

1. The Book Thief
2. All of the Harry Potter books
3. The Hunger Games series
4. The Pellinor Series <--- I highly recommend this series
5. Number the Stars
6. Incarceron
7. The Catcher in the Rye
8. The Odyssey (Thought I'd throw that one in there.)

...As you can see, I despise adventure, historical fiction, and fantasy books. :D

So yeah, any recommendations?
December 9th, 2010 at 05:35am