A Post of Many Things...

Tonight I will be covering many things in this tiny little post of mine. Some of it is dealing with real life and other topics are about other things. By the word "things" I mean random tidbits of useless information or maybe even useful information. Who knows.

* What I have learned thus far about getting my book published sometime in the future.

Basically what I have learned that most publishers would prefer that you use a Literary Agent. In fact many require you use an Agent. A lot of publishers do not like unsolicited material. I think unsolicited is the word I am looking for? Any way. I have also learned that most first time authors should write a story with a length of 70,000 to 90,000 word count. I am not sure how true this is, but many places I have looked have mentioned this number. I guess it is a good start. Considering later an Agent or even a Publishing company may ask you to write 100,000 words or more! Which could be a daunting task if you are not use to writing a lot. Also, if you get to the point of an Editor getting your book, from what I have read thus far, some Editors will use liberal use of the "red ink of doom" and look like they have bled all over your manuscript or digital document. Some Editors may not use a lot of "red ink of doom". Either way, do not take the "red ink of doom" in a negative light! Instead maybe go back and fix the things mentioned. Make the story or whatever you are writing better and send it back in!

As the old saying goes. If first you don't succeed, try, try again! I will tell you this much. You will most likely get rejected by a LOT of Agents/Editors/Publishers! However, do not let that discourage you! It maybe that the piece of writing is not what they are looking for at that moment. Keep trying! You never know, you might get it published some day. I think I read some where that the author of Harry Potter actually got rejected over 20 times before someone picked up her story and look how well it has done! So, keep your chin up and do a LOT of research before going out to find an Agent and/or Publisher! The more you know about getting your book (or whatever) published, the more professional you will look and have better chances of getting published!

* All Romance Novels are trashy!

This is one of the biggest misconceptions I have ever heard. Maybe back a long time ago they were "trashy", but I think that was more of a social label than anything else. Think of how long Romance Novels have been around and think of the time periods in which they have transcended. A lot, not all of them, of older people think Romance novels are dirty due to the sexual content contained in the book. I think for many people of that era it was wrong to contemplate or even read things about sex before you were married. I am sure many got around that social taboo, but point stands. Just because it is a Romance Novel does not make it "trashy". In fact, I have read a few non-romance novels that are way more "trashy" than any Romance Novel. A point in case is the Anita Blake series by Laurel K. Hamilton. Those books are not classified as "Romance" and I think are in the Fantasy or General Fiction section of most bookstores. Ever read one? In some of those books there is sex with multiple partners at one time and even orgies, etc.

So, why label Romance Novels as "trashy"? When there are many Romance Novels out there with fantastic story lines/plots! A few favorite authors of mine are: Gena Showalter, Kenyon, and Christine Feehan. Each one of those ladies is an extremely talented author and have some really great books! I love Gena's Alien Huntress novels and her Lords of the Underworld series. The Carpathians of Feehan's book have such complex personalities and I love the men's attitudes in the books! Then there is Kenyon. Her Dark-Hunters, Dream-Hunters, and Were-Hunters are the BOMB! Her entire series of books she writes are just drool worthy! She puts such an unique spin on things and really gives her characters life! I can almost believe that an Acheron exists in the real world and maybe a few other characters as well.

There is so many good Romance Novelists out there! No wonder some bookstores are expanding their Romance section(s)! So many brilliant minds and so many tasteful books, ah! I can hardly contain my joy! So, before you go labeling a book of ANY kind "trashy", pick it up and read it! See for yourself before you cast judgment!
December 10th, 2010 at 02:48am