Drama, school.

I wish I’d known how dramatic high school was before even coming; everything seems to be wrong, each and every problem turned into a soap opera. It’s so unentertaining. How what others say affects one person’s life so much, sometimes too much.
If I would’ve known this, I probably would have just wanted to stay in middle school, for another year. Cause, high school makes me feel as if I did. It’s just so immature, although there are those few people; there are still the others whose soul purpose seems to create frustration in your life. Even with the most stupid things, sometime people they should just, get up and move on. But no, that’s wrong. Even if it is the better thing to do, and even though knowing about high school and how dramatic it was wouldn’t change really have changed my ninth grade year, I really just wish; I would’ve gotten a head up. It’s just too much sometimes.
What I feel that the problem is that the students just get dragged into situations too easily, even the small ones. Oh he said this, she did that. Who cares? You, oh yea that’s just great. It says a lot too. I just think that if you’re not a part of the problem, don’t try to be a part of the situation. School would be so much better if more people felt this way, cause sometimes I feel people just get caught up in the moment too much, I mean why are you going to yell at someone for hurting your friends feelings, though they may be close to you, you sometimes just need to again, as I said before, be the bigger person, and just walk away. Let your friend stand up for herself or himself, let them find out that they just need to move on. Cause in high school this is a huge problem. It doesn’t seem person versus person, but group versus group.
Instead of handling the problem more well mature, they take it to the level of a first grader, a very immature level, that I just don’t see any point in. I’m not saying I haven’t been at this level before, because I have, I have. But now I see it as pointless, something that if brought up now, I’d probably brush off.
December 10th, 2010 at 05:48pm