Where are all my readers? (FOR YOU by MintyNapalm)

I posted the third chapter of my story For You a couple of days ago. I know I hadn't put up anything for a few months but I still haven't gotten a single view for the third chapter.

Have I lost all my dear readers? What happened to the time when more than two hundred people read my stories? Is this one no good? I don't expect it to be as big as my first Mibbian story, Why Aren't You Laughing?, but even for that story I had periods of time when I didn't post anything.

Good news, old and new Napalmites, my parents were gifted a brand new laptop for the holidays so I now have a medium through which I can type chapters for you. At least once a week, you will have a steaming chapter to read, fresh out of the oven. That's a promise!
December 10th, 2010 at 08:17pm