The Office, Gift Exchange, A Request.

First of all, I totally want this for either Christmas or my birthday.


It's awesome.

Seriously. My parents had a book written and published featuring me as a character in it. It was 101 Dolmations, but it was the perfect gift anyone could have given me.

I love Christmas episodes of my favorite shoes - The Community, 30 Rock, and The Office, but what really caught my attention was The Office. Sure, The Community was great, and 30 Rock was good, but I think The Office topped it all.

You know why?

Because of this-




I feel so bad for Jim.

In other news, would someone like to write me a Christmas one-shot featuring this amazing man?


Thank you. <3
- Tasha

ps I have to participate in a gift exchange. I'm going to give my Lovely Bones book and my Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants books.
December 10th, 2010 at 10:52pm