House of Cards- the Escape

-Cards A Fallin-

Jessica slide the penny under the door frame in hopes that the sparkle would reserect any lost dreams she had. Dreams were like a sparrows egg. The best she could do was whisper to the pride of her own existance.
She whispered:
"Stand tall the willowing marshes for I have come home, galant and true, I mark the cornhuskers solumn wishes, my nails are popped out!."
Muffled were her cries as blood curled around her dress. The penguin that once buttoned her collar worked its way into the floor boards.
She Whispred:
"Oh Lord I will make grace, once the sign of the jailers class."
Her fingers twitched as more blood formed images around her ankles as she foundled the latch key inside, her own breast and heart pounded.
She whisperd:
"I will spend no more time for the jailers whisp, I will tide his commings."
She waited to hear the swish of boots or panting and weezing.
She whipsered:
"I will fill my time with courage and effort, I have taken to that."
She forced the pin through her finger as the pain and blood filled her senses she lundged for the door. The floor boards creeked as the button flew into the air filling the sky with sounds of gratitude. Slivers of light caught the edge of the pinguins feet, perhaps she saw a smile. The dark world came into a vision and she was free of the chain mans grasp.
She whinced:
"The grace is in the marke of the beholder"
The Run
-A Harpsicords Dream-
Marvin G VanDam
December 11th, 2010 at 04:36am