Moms gone, reindeer, and FOB? +QUESTIONS

My moms is out of town for a week! O my god how am I suppose to survive? Hmmm would it be bad if I'm going to try to sneak out? My dad would never know..... I would have to think about that one. I'm might be to much of a chicken sh*t to do that.

I had to drive her to the airport Thursday because my dad didn't want to. It was sad. Mom was crying because she hates leaving me and my sisters even if its for a little while. By the time she finally went into the airport we were all in tears. Crying and driving home doesn't mix to well. She's coming home Wednesday and I'm counting down the days! She's somewhere in Europe, Sweeten or Switzerland? Regardless I want a picture of a reindeer! She calls every night. I don't know if she can hear all of us talking at once. There's me and my other four sisters screaming into the phone.

Since she's been gone my dads pretty laid back about what we do. I fell off the bed and almost broke my ankle, its sprained pretty bad. And please just don't ask why a 16 year old was jumping on the bed dancing. It was fun okay? =) Katrina, the second oldest went snowboarding down the steps. She did a little flip/roll it was funny. Well it was funny after we found out she was alright. She was fine. Then the youngest is carrying around a eye spy book and she good at it! I mean i can't find those little pictures and it takes her like a second to find them. I swear its crazy! O and my dad let me drive in the middle of a blizzard today. I think if my mom was here she would of killed him for that!

Today while I was cooking dinner (just wanted to tell everyone the house is still standing! I didn't burn it down) I was listening to music and dancing. And yes I dance alot! O, and I'm a horrible dancer, but that's okay. Usually I have a hand full of songs I'll listen to but I was listening to some older song I haven't heard in awhile. Guess what song came on!

A little less sixteen candles a little more touch me -Fall Out Boy

I haven't listen to that song forever! Of course it got me wanting to listen to more FOB songs. After my awesome FOB dancing/cooking party I was thinking about the A little less sixteen candles a little more touch me music video. When I was obsessed with FOB I use to love to read stories that went along with the music video for it. So would it be a good idea to write my own story that goes along with the music video?


1. Good or bad idea to write a story that went along with the music video?
-I know poeple have done it before but I think it would be fun to write....?

2. Have you ever snuck out before?
-Nope but I'm starting to think about it? hmmm?

3. If you were to get a tattoo what would it be?
-Some quote that means a lot to me on the top of my shoulder. I'm still figuring out what quote it's going to be.

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
-This question use to be the hardest to answer two years ago. But when "I grow up" I plan on joining the air force! I'm in the middle of getting my pilots license now=) ahhh
December 12th, 2010 at 03:49am