Why I've been gone. Pregnant, and in love.

Hi all. It's been a while. Not that you missed me any ;)
But anyways, yes, I've been gone for some time. In fact, a few years. I've tried to get on but none of my stories would stick and I could never get myself to write more than a paragraph or two. I've been very occupied with myself, friends, and well, myself.

What's new? Well, I'm engaged to the most wonderful man in the world. His name is Eddie, and me and everything in my life revolves around him. I met him on June 15th, 2010 and since then, forever inseperable. I messed up once when we had been talking only through the phone for a while and he was heartbroken. That's when I knew that he was the one...because, with any other guy, I would have said FUCK it. But with him, I cried in my mom's arms day and night and constantly tried to call him. That's when I KNEW. And I begged him, and begged him fo a second chance, and for some reason that I will never know, he gave me it. I will never hurt him again.

And that weekend I drove down to pick him up and we spent our first weekend together, and it was wonderful. I fit in his arms like a glove fits on a hand. We were perfect and we were right.

And now, about six months later, I'm 23 weeks pregnant, and were head over heels in love. I take care of him, no matter how pregnant and huge I am, and he takes care of me and wraps me in his arms at night to keep me warm. Every little worry I have in my paranoid mind about our son being hurt in some way always gets calmed by his sweet voice and he's always right.

In fact, back when I wasn't quite sure if I was pregnant or not, I thought I was infertile and that I had something wrong with me. I whined everyday because I really wanted children someday, in fact, I knew I was born to be a mother; and didn't he prove me wrong?

Now sometimes even staring down at my bulgin stomach I can't believe it. I can't believe in just 4 more months I'll be a mom. (yes, we did get pregnant pretty early, but don't judge!) And it's hard to believe that by the end of my senior year, I'll have a baby in my arms and a ring around my finger and a house of my own. I would have never, NEVER thought that things would end up this way, but I would also NEVER change a thing.

My son, this little 8 inched, a little over a pound baby inside of me, and Eddie, are my family now. And I love it. I just wished I was a little less hungry all the time :/ haha but that's normal :) Who knew a little man needed so much food?

Well, guys, for all of you who don't know me, which all of you probably don't, that's where I've been, and I think I'm gonna start keeping a log on my life. I'm not quite so sure yet. Sorry if this wasn't as amusing as Justin Beiber getting hit in the head with a water bottle, but I really wasn't shooting for amusing.

And for all you teen moms out there, talk to me. Maybe we can be friends? Tell me your strengths and your weaknesses with your child, your hardships and if your baby daddy's still around. It'd be nice to start writing more. I'd be glad to hear from you.

Well, everybody, I gotta go. Eddie's on his way home from work in a snow storm that is not gonna let up till Wednesday, (Yay snow days!) and I'm worried off my ass. I need to feed my little man, even though I just ate dinner a few seconds ago...(gah) and take my vitamins.

Give me some feedback if you can, please. Let me know if you would like a more realistic side to a teen mom's struggles rather than teen mom from mtv. Yes, it is very real, but you'll be able to hear more detail from me.

Have a good day, mibba-ers. Ta ta.

December 14th, 2010 at 01:05am