Oh Boy [Questions At End]

Hush baby, speak softly, tell me I'll be sorry
That you pushed me into the coffee table last night
So I can push you off me
Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
Run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy

Ah, how I love Eminem<3(:

School oh school, why do you hate me?

If I keep this up I'm definitely going to fail... or get sent away. Yeah, where I live if you miss enough school you get sent away. And I've already missed what.. 20 days? We're not even halfway through yet... I started school in September and it's December. The school only wants you to miss like 18 days a year I think.

I had an 18 in English because I don't read the story we're supposed to, therefore fail the quizzes and come in late every day I do go to school so I don't get the journals we do, and the journals are a big part of our grade. However, last time I got them from my friend as I am again. Also, I skipped the big chunk of the book I missed so I could finally take the quizzes so my grade should be much higher now. My teachers son said last time he looked it was a 70 something. What I would like to know is why was he looking at my grade?
Also my grade in one of my classes is like a 25 %. It's the class where I'm the only girl. I think I would be doing better in it if people didn't distract me.

Also, I think I am addicted to missing school. Like no joke. I will feel sick where as the night before I felt fine. I think this is because I get so anxious in school because I stress out about my work. Even when I apply myself I don't feel like I do good enough. It's not that my parents or anyone nags at me to do better, but I myself feel that way.

I get worked up over nothing

So I'm stressing over Christmas cards -_-
I wanted to make a Christmas card for only two people at school (aside from my friends.) The people I want to give them to are the nurse and my old resource teacher who helps me now. she's retired but subbing for another teacher. I don't have the teacher; she's retired and subbing for a teacher I don't even have, she uses her free period to help me. (In case you didn't know a resource teacher is someone who helps kids who need special help... pretty much the dumb kids. Resource class is in place of a study hall.) But if I give her the card on her free period my student teacher would see and I would feel bad about giving her one and not him, but if I gave him one I would feel awkward 'cause I kinda have a crush on him :P But even if I put aside the awkwardness and gave him one what if he told his mom and asked if I gave her one (she's one of my teachers.) Then my other 2 resource teachers I have might find out I gave them a card because they hang stuff on their desks in the resource office which they all share. And if they were going to find out I'd have to give pretty much all my teachers cards and I don't want to seem like a teachers pet ):

Most of the time being a girl sucks

Sometimes I wish I were a boy. Things would just be 10000000x easier :P Also I find it funny that a few of my straight friends say that if I were a guy they'd fuck me haha. Also one of my friend said if she was a guy she'd want me because I don't have a gag reflex.

My best friend told me if I was a guy I'd have a huge penis. I was like "I know." And she died laughing because she thought I'd be too surprised to react to what she said.

But then she made things awkward and asked if my brother has big hands (assuming that if he does he has a big penis. Thanks for making me think about that!)


I still can't get over not last weeks episode, but the week before.
It was too funny!


Cas is getting bad ass! And Dean's all "Okay.... ?"


1.) Who is your celeb idol?
I am absolutely in love with Eminem. Not like "OMG I'M GOING TO MARRY HIM!" But his voice and songs are god to me.
2.) Do you think my student teacher is snooping around looking at my grades? Lol.
I hope not! Though to be honest, if I were in his position and that was my mom I'd sneak in at night and mess around with her computer and stuff ;)
3.) Have you heard the song Love the Way You Lie Part 2?
Eminems part is amazing
4.) Favorite animal?
5.) What should I do with the whole Christmas cards deal?
6.) Have you ever wanted to be the opposite sex?
Clearly (:
7.) Supernatural fan?
This show will always be my favorite, even years after it's over.
8.) Do you have a puppy?
Yes. Mine is sleeping on the couch like an angel right now. You'd never know how bad she is because she looks so innocent right now(:

Here's a picture of her (not show she is right now, but she's on the same couch:

December 14th, 2010 at 02:46am