Superman and Star Wars! Coming to the realization that I am a nerd.

ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS TILL FRIDAY! Just saying.... Now if that isn't good thing to start a journal out with then I don't know what is!=P


Can someone tell me why my sisters just had a full blown star wars battle with light savors? They were making those little sounds that go with it when the sword moves. It was quite interesting to watch and amuzing. If the sword hits a hand or leg then they can't use that hand (or leg) anymore. To top the star wars fight off like out of no where my dad comes flying into the room wearing his superman pajama pants and shirt with a towel tied around his neck. (No joke, this really just happened)

What's wrong with my family?!?!


But superman is kind of sexy you know? Brandon Routh, THAT superman! Between him and Anakin Skywalker, played by none other then super cute Hayden Christensen.


(I just thought this was a cute picture of him)

You guys, I just realized something....I think I'm...a nerd!! I'm talking about star wars and superman!=D


1. Are YOU a nerd?=D

2. Do you have any pets?
-A dog!

3. Anakin Skywalker or Brandon Routh?
Skywalker all the way<3

4. How was your day?
-LONG! Very, very long.
December 14th, 2010 at 03:15am