Have you hit rock bottom?

this is the 2nd or 3rd night my moms slept on the couch...=/
I guess her and my ex step dad are fightin..
yes, ex step dad. She married him, then devorced. And know we are living with him again
they "settled" there differences
its weird....I like living here...but I dont at the same time..
Like...He's nice...But I hardlyt ever have mother daughter time with my mom...They are always talking...If he's not here...She's on the phone and I get shooshed away

(before my step dad)First we lived with my papaw...which was living hell.
then we moved with these people that got drunk every night.And then someone convinced the owner of the house that my mom was stealing pills, got kicked out
Then me and my brother and mom had to share a house with another chick that only had a bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. Lets just say the bathroom was the biggest room in the house..
Im just tired of seeing my mom miserable...So I say nothing about living here..
so when people are sad cause they cant by a shirt...they havent been through SHIT!! XD

Ya..It gets bad.
And yet, the middle class/poor get charged the same amout of tax than the ppl that have billions in the bank..
Its so stupid.

I actually had been saving money for bout 7 years for college.
Not my family, me. Christmas...Birthdays...everything...
Then finally. We had NOTHING. So...500 out of 1100 is left..
And i cant get it for years..
December 14th, 2010 at 07:03am