Welcome To My World

I'm going to be honest here, and that's something for me. My life feels like it's cliche. Everything is predicted, so easy to guess, that it barely ever get's exciting.
Anyway, I figure I should start a journal on here. This way, I'd be more likely to remember about writing in it.

First, you people reading need to know a few things first.

I am a mix of different personalities. That makes me sound challenged- trust me I'm not. Example: I'm so angry, and I smile like everything's fine.
Now that we have all this established, let's get to my world.

December 14 (I think). 2010

I have a crush. He is possibly the most amazing person I've ever met. He has dark blue-green eyes, dark brown hair, and is really funny. His name is Travis ______.
So, you think my journal entry is going to be me ranting about some hot guy who I think will never go for me? Well, it's not.

This is about my so called 'best friend'. Her name is Erin. Recently, she's been going through this whole 'Emo' phase and started acting all depressed. I knew she wasn't depressed. Whenever she came to school, and our other friends and I made her laugh, she forgot completely about her act. She dyed her hair dark red (It looks good on her), wears only converse, and got fake gauges because she's a wimp with getting real ones. Oh, and she only listens to Fall Out Boy and other depressing kind of music.

Erin started this at the beginning of the school year. So I've given it five months and she still hasn't stopped. But, when I finally asked her- instead of just rudely blurting it out like I normally do -she told me why she was all 'emo'.

"Because I want Travis to like me." That's what she says.

She knows I like him. She knows, knows, knows, knows. Granted, I don't talk about it every minute like one of those giggling girls- but she knows!

And then, the apocalypse started. Whenever we were around Travis, she did nothing and actually turned into a statue. All she did was cross her arms, look down, and act like she didn't want to be here.

I don't actually know any emo people, but I'm sure they don't just act emo in front of people they like. It's in front of everyone- right? If you're emo, please tell me what you think of that.
I've realized this much on my own though: Erin is scene. She even says that she hates scene people when she's one herself.
If any of you can prove me wrong, please do.

And you know what happens when she does that next to Travis? He doesn't notice her. How do you notice someone when they act socially awkward around everyone and don't move????
So Erin complains to me that Travis still doesn't notice her. Well, no, he doesn't. And that gives me a smug feeling inside.

Then there's the part where our two different grades have one class together. I go to a catholic school, so there're only a few kids in my grade (Seven people!!!). Anyway, when we have the same class, I notice that he's always catching my eyes.
Maybe it's because I look at him every chance I get and I do it in a subtle way?

Let's not forget, though, he keeps looking back. Yep, he doesn't look away and it makes me feel like a deer in the headlights......But I'm a happy deer!!!

Erin sees this. I know because she get's a pissed off face. I can feel her glaring at me, but I don't really care. After school, she calls me and talks, talks.....and talks about him. Then she says he was looking at her during that class.

It's like she's challenging me. And I'm very competitive at times.

So here is my questions to everyone:

1.Are you emo if you act like it around one person?
2.Do you think that people should change their look for a guy/girl?
3. What should I do about Erin?

Please answer. And if you don't......I'll miss that and think I'm talking to some stalker that I don't know. Ohyeah: DON'T EAT THE YELLOW SNOW!!!!
December 15th, 2010 at 04:15am