So I have a question/little rant....Slash/femmeslash

So I am REALLY in to Original Slash, I am kind of picky about what I do read. I find that there is something in them that is lacking in regular romance stories.

This is where is gets a tad weird...

Okay like, I find gay couples more attractive then others. On both sides Boyxboy and Girlxgirl. For me there is something I enjoy in them.

That being said, I have been on Mibba a LONG time, Like 4 or 5 years I think by now. And in my time here I have read a LOT of Slash.

But like I said; I like Femmeslash/femslash(However you want to spell it) BUT I can't seem to find well written femmeslash. That isn't just like straight smut.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE sex in stories, In fact I don't read anything under the rating NC-17. But it seems for femmeslash it is all about the sex with no plot.

So what I am saying/asking is: Do you guys know any well written femme?

And when I say well written, I mean the qualities that are close to these Original slash;

Maybe it is just me, but I can't seem to find any.
Thank you very much for your time,
December 15th, 2010 at 06:41am