Ambition: The journey home

The body had been set like that of his earlier kills, two spades length from the splatttered trail of blood. One would come looking and thus a second kill of equal or lesser value could take place.
The carcass was easy to maniveur and he enjoyed listening to the movement of bones and cartlidge. When he was younger he had hoped that it would work, now he knew better, it always worked and the hope was gone. Instinct told him that the prophecy would awaken in the light of a dead womens touch. All he would have to do is wait for the proper signs to awaken. In younger days it was the cycle of a vulture and the movements of a hawk, today it was the sirens and the histerical shreeks of laughter. He was able to track and abadon his slaughter with the emphais of twilight and the stars. He seemed more at ease with the moon and loved to work with the spiders web.
He was able to walk up to the house despite the drones of sirens and gently knocked on the door. The victom never seemed to notice his hair or how well he dressed. They always answered the door half asleep and willing to help. His sweet breath and the razor sharp wire held between his hands was the last thing they would have noticed. Considering he was just in car wreck and perhaps he just needed a drink of water.
The adjustments of time always made the kill more intuitive thus he could rely on his insticts, perhaps he would replace the butchers knife with a butter knife. He continued to leave the house, droplets of blood seemed to help him as he sang "Old Petunia, don't you cry for me."
Tallahassee was still a long way to go!

Marvin G VanDam
_The waters Mark-
December 16th, 2010 at 04:56am