The Playground

He walked into the house as the floor boards creeked,
' I can't imagine you left me under such a strom Jessable!"
The second letter was not attached to anything but rather it was placed ona rim of a hat, the shiny white nails smiled at anyone who entered the sanctuary.
The Letter Read


Here I am nimble and quick, I walk to burden the world of what we have been. A goose egg and leg feathers turn. Waters mark land and sea quiver. I come back to dig out my heart. It took time, but my true love does have answer, the bones can catch me in form and rythme. I should gather up my torches, this house being marked with torches and trust. The tail hidden behind.

The PinWheel Slasher

The police report suggested no evidence or motive, only that the scene of the crime looked like a playground for the devil. A bicycle was thrown to the side of the body and the intestines were spun through the spokes like a weavers dream. One thing was clear, when forsenics turned on their blacklighs the room was vibrant with pentagrams from top to bottom, but a sentence was outlined beneath the seat of the bycycle that read "Suzzane, grab your stumbling cane for I have come to town, there is still work to be done."

Half a dozen prints were lifted from the floor boards, only one had the imprint of blood.

Marvin VanDam
The Square
December 16th, 2010 at 06:19am