One beautiful hunk of man-beast... (Plus Questions)

Last Caress.
Hybrid Moments.
Astro Zombies.
Horror Hotel.

Why did I just list a bunch of songs, mainly songs by the Misfits? I knew this a long time ago, but I have just recently completely REALIZED it. You know, kind of like when you see the same tree everyday for a few years and then one day in the fall when it has changed colors you go "DAMN, THAT'S A BEAUTIFUL TREE." This was my realization with THIS MAN:


Can you tell who that boy is? If you knew who sang the songs above you would know that it is none other than
Glenn Danzig. :D

I've been listening to his music for YEARS but just recently realized how beautiful his voice really is. (Is it bad that I came to this realization after attending a Misfits concert and liking the way Danzig sang the songs then more than Jerry Only does now?) Note to Misfits fans: I won't argue who is the better head of the Misfits, I just personally like Danzig's voice more. End statement.

Okay, so maybe in the picture he's more of a boy around the age of 18 (not totally a man), and it's probably a little weird for me to be so crazy about him seeing as how now he's as old as my own dear dad, but STILL. This man's VOICE is like... well, the description I came up with with a friend is 100% "not-mibba-friendly" (or at least for journals anyways...) His voice, to me, is like Zeus is trying to seduce me through it. <--Mibba friendly terms. Seriously. If you haven't listened to any or ALL of the songs I listed above (the originals,) go do it. NOW. Especially the first two, they make my heart melt like butter on hot popcorn. Who knows, you may fall in love with his voice too. ;D

In other news... I made a formspring! Ask me something? CLICK ME Just so you know, I'm not usually this happy, or hyper. (Don't judge me.) I try to only post things when I'm happy to prevent people from thinking I'm depressed all the time... notice how much I don't post things? Meh.

Anyways, questions for you? :D
1) Who is a singer that butters your popcorn/you absolutely adore their voice?
2) Formspring question trade? Actually, that sounds pretty lame, skip this one if you want.
3) What temperature is it where you live?
4) What gives you hope?
5) What is the last movie you saw and would you suggest others to see it too?
December 16th, 2010 at 09:00pm