In reply to MCRsavedme

Yeah, so I agree with your journal, and I dont want you to think this is a personal attack. Im not calling you out, I just wanted to share something with you.

So you talk about MCR's fans being divided and you seems to think alot of this comes from the intrusion into their personal lives. And for the most part you're right.

But what you failed to mention is this; there are different fractions to MCR fans. You have those who were supporting them when they were just 5 guys, who played in a basement with only 5 songs in their back catalogue.
You have those who caught onto the Revenge era because of the androgenous lead singer and their message about saving lives and making differences, and then you have the influx of fans who decided to be part of the Black Parade and everything it encompasses.
And in the latter, Im gonna put the teenies. The teenies who are only about what the guys look like, who's seeing who etc, and all the fodder you'd get from a glossy magazine. You ask them to name songs, and the best they can do is give you single titles.

In those groups of people (barring the teenies), you ask them one question; what got you into the band? And the majority will answer with 'The Music'. That has never faltered.

The problem with the divide, is that now their personal lives are overshadowing all the other stuff.
Who the guys are seeing or how Gerard colours his hair has replaced what their new album is gonna sound like or where theyre drawing their influences from this time around.

And its sad.

You know, with all this 'MCR Saved Me' and 'Gerard is engaged', its no wonder people forget the music.
Theyve put the band,Gerard especially, on such a high pedestal, they forget that he is infact human, and he makes mistakes.

It is human to error, no? So why cant he be fallable?

But the flip side is that people know that this is a band that hasnt been without its problems.
Mix Epstein Barr, with depression, Bipolar disorder, anxiety, acohol and drug addiction, and your gonna have your fair share of fans who say shit because they want to know how the guys are feeling, you know? For the most part, alot of the fans want the guys happy and healthy.

Then you throw in Miss Eliza Cuts, I hate to bring her up, but if you look back, this is when the divide started. Yes, its easy to place blame, but Gerard has been made to be a scape goat and thats why fans are arguing amoungst themselves. That and the fact that they are voicing concerns about someone they respect, admire and care about. Its just some have opinions that sit well, while others dont.

It doesnt help that she's out there putting his shit on blast for the world to see and tormenting fans with it, while accutely trying to gain a monoply by capitalising on a trade and doing this by using the fans who actually like her. To me its just a bitter pill we all have to swallow.

Personally, I have my own thoughts on the situation, and I could sit and discuss it till the cows come home. But I'll tell you that no matter what bullshit gets put out there, no matter how I feel about the guys personally, and no matter what woman, child, mamal, invertebrate or marsupial comes along, I'll always be a fan of the music. And there are alot of people who feel like I do.

We just have to take the rough with the smooth and be there when it counts.

In all of this I lost my point but Ive found it again. Not everything is black and white, theres always gonna be some grey areas. So apply it to the fandom:
There are fans who care about personal shit and there are fans who dont. But in between, every fan likes the music.
June 18th, 2007 at 08:51pm