Green Day

Sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days. I was in the hospital.


I've known Green Day since I was born basically. Of course, when I was younger I wasn't aware of the band playing When I Come Around and Basket Case xD I technically started listening to them in 2005, I was like 10 years old or so. I didn't become a big fan until 2007, when my rocker phase started kicking in. The more songs I listened to them, the more love I had. Their music and lyrics change my life.
My favorite album isn't hard to chose, I've always loved Warning. All of their songs make me wanna rebel, ESPECIALLY Minority, my favorite song xD Although, my favorite song from them keeps changing from Minority to Restless Heart Syndrome, which has been relevant to me lately, but y'know.
What pisses me off though is all those fangirls. "Ooh, Billy Joel, your sooooo hawt(((:" First of all, BILLIE JOE, thank you very much :p Second, the leader singer's looks shouldn't determine whether you love the band or not. I have friends who love Green Day but think Billie's ugly (Which I don't see, I mean, I'm not a fangirl but he IS attractive). Besides, my favorite member is Tre Cool! With his awesome drumming skills...w;kefjlsdjfklj I'm a sucker for drummers okay xD

That's really all I have to say for now- BUT. If you have any questions or whatnot..ask me on my Formspring account! I allow anon comments/ comments from non-users/ comments from users/ you get the idea :p

Ask away! It can be anything...aaannnnyyyyyytttthhhhiiiiiiinnnnnggggg xD

~Aleisha ;-)
December 17th, 2010 at 01:32am