San Francisco

I wonder to myself if it's going to be how I want it to be when I go
to San Francisco. Its not that far until I move to art school and
I'm just hoping that it'll be somewhat the way I want it. With the
housing the school will provide me I hope I'll get paired up with
decent people and not have to have problems. And since I'll be
there I'll probably find a job, and I hope that will turn out well.
I wouldn't mind being a waitress or something simple like
that, just to start payments and for all the extra money. I wonder
if I'll feel better when I get to dress the way I want and act the way
I really am. Its really thought consuming and as excited as I am,
I'm also scared. San Francisco seems like a crazy place to live
and I hope I'll be able to survive it as freshmeat in college. I;'m just
hoping for the best.
December 17th, 2010 at 07:03am