start of my first story.

well i just started writing my first story and i'm thinking of calling it Paper Thoughts.
it's about a boy of which i have yet to name and a girl which i have yet to name, they come from a small town in southern australia and well at first they didnt know each other and just by chance one day they bump into each other and start talking, then he invites her over to his house later that we just to have dinner and talk and over time,
the story is based around the boy who doesnt really know who he is himself, but as he continues to talk with this girl he finds alot of himself in her and just seems to connect with her so seamlessly, he realises that this girl that he happened to bump into by chance is as damaged as what he is and that is what makes them click so perfect.
i know it's not great, but it's a start.
please tell me what you think :)
December 17th, 2010 at 06:51pm