
Dear Reader,

As John Atkinson once said, " If you don't run your own life, somebody else will." It has come to me today, that nearly everyone I know has some sort of self-esteem problem. Some more than others. Listen up, and listen close, no one is perfect. Some people just lie better than others. Do you -really- want to be one of those people? Ask yourself a couple of easy questions.

First: Do you really want to put up a front, every day?

Second: Is being perfect, worth your true friends?

Third: Do you really want people to like you, based on lies?

Fourth: What is -really- so great about being perfect?

I'll tell you what, absolutely -nothing- is great about being perfect. The imperfections are what make us who we are. They build our character and personalities. If everyone were alike, then no one would be unique. It would become the norm, and it would get boring. So what if your not stick-thin and a party animal? So what if your on the curvy side, and you'd rather sit at home and read a book? There are so many different kinds of people in the world.

Those people you read about in magazines? And you see on T.V.? Even they are not perfect. Sure, on T.V. and on those pages, they look pretty close to perfection, but think of all the things they have to do to look, and -stay- that way! Would you want to have to go through that every day of your life?

So, my advice is, don't -worry- about what everyone else things. The only opinion that really matters is your own. If you can look in the mirror in the morning, and tell yourself, " I love who I am. I love being me. " , And -mean- it, I bet your whole day will be better. Stop worrying over magazines with little tid-bits on how to 'Lose weight, look slim in ten days', and all that baloney. Its all a loud of B.S.

Go with who you really are, not by someone else's interpretation of what you 'should' be. Because if we weren't all different, life would be totally boring.

Signing off for the Evening,
Your Anonymous Writer
December 18th, 2010 at 02:03am