
I shiver at his touch. The warmth slowly creeping into my cold skin. He keeps his hand on my thigh and a jolt goes through me, even excites me a little. That's all I ask for is his hand to stay there but he moves it too fast for it to be comfort. So I pull him into a hug and he hugs me back. My worries melt away till he leaves again. Can't I get at least some comfort? I need to be held and be protected other wise I'll shatter like glass. I look into his eyes and he sees the want and hurt he's caused me. So he wraps me in his arms and this time I know he won't let go. He'll always keep my secret. We lay on his bed in eachothers arms and it feels like home, So right that it can't be wrong. Together in harmony, hand n hand. Being with his is as easy as breathing, nothing less and nothing more. Laying there I felt his heart beat agains't mine. The same tune but two different parts. I charish this moment because I know I'm not living a fairy tale. It's reality.
December 18th, 2010 at 06:31am